What is Chakra Therapy?
Chakra Therapy is the treatment and balancing of the energetic body. Thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are all made up of energy and energetic frequencies. Chakra therapy focuses on clearing any blockages from the energetic body to allow energy to flow more freely, resulting in fewer mental, emotional, and physical symptoms. There are specific exercises, mantras, and practices that help balance each chakra.
How Does Chakra Therapy Work?
In order to balance the energetic body, one has to get familiar with the seven chakras throughout their body. Starting from the base of the spine and working the way up the body, the chakras are as follows:
- Root Chakra: This Chakra is located at the base of the spine. This chakra is responsible for a sense of safety and grounds us into Mother Earth. Therefore, when this chakra is balanced you will feel safe, secure, and grounded in your life. When you begin to feel ungrounded or unsafe then you should focus on unblocking and balancing your root chakra.
- Sacral Chakra: This Chakra is located below the belly button. It is responsible for your creativity, sexuality, and emotions. Therefore, when this chakra is balanced you will be using your creative power, feel connected to your sensuality, and allowing emotions to flow through you. When you begin to feel creatively or emotionally stuck, or out of alignment with your sexuality, then you should focus on unblocking and balancing your sacral chakra.
- Solar Plexus Chakra: This Chakra is located in the upper belly/diaphragm region. It is responsible for your connection to your personal power. Therefore, when this chakra is balanced you feel powerful, confident, intuitive, and have strong self-esteem. When you begin to feel weak or down on yourself, then you should focus on unblocking and balancing your solar plexus.
- Heart Chakra: This Chakra is located in the chest. It is responsible for your ability to give and receive love. Therefore, when this chakra is balanced you will be in the flow of love, experiencing healthy relationships, and joyful living. When you begin to feel like there is a lack of love either coming from you or you are having difficulty letting it in, then you should focus on unblocking and balancing your heart chakra.
- Throat Chakra: This Chakra is located in the center of the throat. It is responsible for speaking your truth and active listening. Therefore, when this chakra is balanced you will be using your voice to speak up for what you believe in and set your boundaries with ease. When you begin to feel like it is difficult to use your voice, you are keeping secrets, have trouble setting boundaries, or have difficulty listening to others, then you should focus on unblocking and balancing your throat chakra.
- Third Eye Chakra: This Chakra is located in the center of your forehead. It is responsible for seeing clearly, from a place of wisdom connected to your higher consciousness. Therefore, when this chakra is balanced you will be highly in touch with your intution and perceive experiences from a higher perspective. When you begin to feel blocked from your intutive guidance, unclear about what steps to take on your path, or like you are seeing things from a glass half empty perspective, then you should focus on unblocking and balancing your third eye chakra.
- Crown Chakra: This Chakra is located at the top of the head. It is responsible for our connection to the Universe and spiritual guidance. Therefore, when this chakra is balanced you will feel inspired, guided, and in touch with universal energy. When you begin to feel uninspired, spiritually stuck, or frequently stressed, then you should focus on unblocking and balancing your crown chakra.
Chakra Therapy Techniques
Three of the most helpful chakra therapy techniques are:
- Earthing: Earthing is the process of walking barefoot in nature. It is incredibly helpful when feeling anxious or out of balance. While walking on the grass or sand, imagine roots coming from the bottom of your feet and pulling all the way down to the center of Mother Earth. While walking, breathe slowly and deeply, and use the mantra “I am grounded.”
- Chakra Balancing Meditations: There are a number of chakra balancing meditations available for free on the internet. Simply google and choose your favorites on youtube. Get comfy and quiet and begin to balance your chakras by following the meditative voice.
- Reiki Sessions: Reiki is a process of energetic healing in which a Reiki Master helps shift and balance the energy in your chakras so they are more aligned and flowing. You can also learn to practice Reiki on yourself.
Helpful Chakra Therapy Resources
Here are recommendations for my top three resources related to Chakra Therapy:
- The Chopra Center holds workshops and provides a lot of free information and articles on energetic healing.
- Chakra Crystals are a powerful way to take your chakra balancing and healing to the next level. Etsy has a number of great shops selling beginner sets of chakra crystals.
- Sound Bowl Meditations are a powerful way to balance your chakras. Two sound bowl providers that I love are Jackie Cantwell and Dr. Mariel Buque.
Alcantara, M. (2017). Chakra Healing: A Beginner’s Guide to Self-Healing Techniques that Balance the Chakras. Callisto Media.
Judith, A. (1999). Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System. Front Cover. Llewellyn Publications.
Wisneski, L., & Anderson, L. (2005). The Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2(2), 257–259. https://doi.org/10.1093/ecam/neh079